api comments
VDF_MODE The current mode
Mode The enumeration of differents mode
FrontEndPandas pandas, cudf, modin.pandas, dask_cudf, dask.dataframe or pyspark.pandas
FrontEndNumpy numpy, cupy or dask.array
BackEndDataFrame pandas or cudf
BackEndSeries pandas.Series, cudf.Series or modin.pandas.Series
BackEndNDArray numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray
BackEndNumpy pandas, cudf or modin.pandas
vdf.@delayed Delayed function (do nothing or dask.delayed)
vdf.concat(...) Merge VDataFrame
vdf.read_csv(...) Read VDataFrame from CSVs glob files
vdf.read_excel(...)* Read VDataFrame from Excel glob files
vdf.read_fwf(...)* Read VDataFrame from Fwf glob files
vdf.read_hdf(...)* Read VDataFrame from HDFs glob files
vdf.read_json(...) Read VDataFrame from Jsons glob files
vdf.read_orc(...) Read VDataFrame from ORCs glob files
vdf.read_parquet(...) Read VDataFrame from Parquets glob files
vdf.read_sql_table(...)* Read VDataFrame from SQL
vdf.from_pandas(pdf, npartitions=...) Create Virtual Dataframe from Pandas DataFrame
vdf.from_backend(vdf, npartitions=...) Create Virtual Dataframe from backend dataframe
vdf.compute([...]) Compute multiple @delayed functions
VDataFrame(data, npartitions=...) Create DataFrame in memory (only for test)
VSeries(data, npartitions=...) Create Series in memory (only for test)
VLocalCluster(...) Create a dask Local Cluster (Dask, Cuda or Spark)
VDataFrame.compute() Compute the virtual dataframe
VDataFrame.persist() Persist the dataframe in memory
VDataFrame.repartition() Rebalance the dataframe
VDataFrame.visualize() Create an image with the graph
VDataFrame.to_pandas() Convert to pandas dataframe
VDataFrame.to_backend() Convert to backend dataframe
VDataFrame.to_csv() Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_excel()* Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_feather()* Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_hdf()* Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_json() Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_orc() Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_parquet() Save to glob files
VDataFrame.to_sql()* Save to sql table
VDataFrame.to_numpy() Convert to numpy array
VDataFrame.categorize() Detect all categories
VDataFrame.apply_rows() Apply rows, GPU template
VDataFrame.map_partitions() Apply function for each parttions
VDataFrame.to_ndarray() Convert to numpy or cupy ndarray
VDataFrame.to_numpy() Convert to numpy, cupy or dask array
VSeries.compute() Compute the virtual series
VSeries.persist() Persist the dataframe in memory
VSeries.repartition() Rebalance the dataframe
VSeries.visualize() Create an image with the graph
VSeries.to_pandas() Convert to pandas series
VSeries.to_backend() Convert to backend series (pandas, cudf, dask.Series)
VSeries.to_numpy() Convert to numpy ndarray
VSeries.to_ndarray() Convert to numpy backend (numpy, cupy or dask.array)
VClient(...) The connexion with the cluster
import vdf.numpy Import numpy, cupy or dask.array
vdf.numpy.array(..., chunks=...) Create an numpy-like array
vdf.numpy.arange(...) Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.
vdf.numpy.zeros(...) Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros.
vdf.numpy.zeros_like(...) Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array.
vdf.numpy.asnumpy(d) Convert to numpy.ndarray
vdf.numpy.save(d) Save to npy format
vdf.numpy.load(d) Load npy format
vdf.numpy.random.xxx(..., chunks=...) Generate random values
vdf.numpy.compute(ar) Similare of ar.compute()
vdf.numpy.rechuck(df) Alias of `ar.rechuck()
vdf.numpy.asnumpy(df) Return a numpy ndarray from a DataFrame
vdf.numpy.asndarray(df) Return a ndarray from a DataFrame (may be be numpy, cupy or dask.array)

* some frameworks do not implement it

With numpy like framework, it's impossible to add some methods like .compute() to numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray. To be compatible, you must use a global simulare function like vnp.compute(a)[0] # in place of a.compute().

You can read a sample notebook here for Pandas or here for Numpy for an example of the use of API.

Keep in mind, the current framework are in FrontEndPandas and FrontEndNumpy, and the backend API (use inside dask) are in BackEndPandas and BackEndNumpy. To maintain this relationship, use:

  • .to_backend() in place of df.to_pandas()
  • .to_ndarray() in place of df.to_numpy()
  • vdf.numpy.asndarray(df) in place of numpy.asarray(df)

The .to_backend() can return a Pandas or a Cudf dataframe. The .to_ndarray() can return a Numpy, a Cupy or a dask.array array. The .asndarray(...) can return a Numpy, a Cupy or a dask.array array.

Each API propose a specific version for each framework. For example:

  • the toPandas() with Panda, return self
  • @delayed use the dask @delayed or do nothing, and apply the code when the function was called. In the first case, the function return a part of the dask graph. In the second case, the function return immediately the result.
  • read_csv("file*.csv") read each file in parallele with dask, spark or pyspark by each worker, or read sequencially each file and combine each dataframe with a framework without distribution (pandas, modin, cudf)
  • save_csv("file*.csv") write each file in parallele with dask, spark or pyspark, or write one file "file.csv" (without the star) with a framework without distribution (pandas, modin, cudf)
  • ...

All adjustement was described here